Discover VIVACISSIMO Festival 2024, the 2nd edition of the artistic residency for chamber music in the wonderful Gambatesa (Molise, Italy).
Watch the trailer on Youtube.
Vivacissimo Festival is a chamber music festival co-founded in 2023 and co-directed by Francesco Tamburini and pianist Paolo Tirro, with the generous partnership of Mozarteum University Salzburg. Guest artists are invited to spend a week of music and art in the splendid setting of Molise's castles (Italy), surrounded by beauty and nature.
The concerts have been conceived in an innovative format: the artists will interact with the audience, guiding it through the musical journey, removing the boundaries between the stage and the audience. Concerts are complemented by workshops dedicated to the public, from a clay sculpture laboratory to a chess tournament and a conference on climate change, to offer an eclectic and comprehensive festival experience.
Vivacissimo is a festival born of two great loves: for
Chamber Music and for Molise (Italy).
The aim is to positively revive the image of the borgo through the enhancement of the local heritage: the village is no longer a place of abandonment and depopulation but a centre of interest and involvement for citizens and visitors, capable of proposing structured events that contribute to local cultural growth, with consequent social implications. Vivacissimo also wants to export the many beauties that the region Molise has to offer through the influx of the young guest artists who are already on the international music scene. An artistic residency aimed at fostering a bilateral exchange: the treasures of the
territory to the artists; the treasure of their music to the territory.
Vivacissimo 2023 - Trailer